A cavity involving the nerve, or pulp, of a tooth may cause excruciating pain for your child. Although the pain may be manageable using painkillers such as ibuprofen, it will keep recurring until the underlying problem is resolved. When the nerve of a child’s tooth has been infected, it must be treated to restore health to the child’s mouth.
Pediatric root canal therapy is designed to maintain the integrity of the affected tooth to prevent premature loss. The early loss of posterior (back) teeth can lead to future problems with the placement and eruption of adult teeth. To avoid the difficulties inherent with crooked or impacted adult teeth, proper root canal treatment is needed to avoid the premature loss of primary molars. Dental caries and traumatic injury are the primary reasons for pulp therapy in children. Due to the loss of tooth structure involved in teeth requiring pediatric root canal therapy, full coverage restoration such as a pediatric crown is necessary.